DocuSign Integration

Integrations to take contract management further

Connect your DocuSign account and you can choose a signer when setting up approval workflows. Once the contract is ready to sign it will be pushed over to DocuSign where you can setup the document for signatures. After it’s signed, your fully executed contract will be synced back to Contract Hound.

How does it work?

The account owner will need to visit the Integrations page to enable the integration and connect their DocuSign account to Contract Hound.

Contract Hound integration with Docusign

When setting up an approval workflow, within the final step of the contract upload process, you can now drag and drop team member(s) into a “Signatures” step if your contract requires a signature.

Contract Hound integration with Docusign

Once the contract has completed any approval steps and it’s ready to be signed, an email will be sent to the Contract Hound account owner to setup signature block(s) within DocuSign for the contract.

After the signature blocks are added, DocuSign will perform its standard signing process by sending emails to all those who need to sign the contract. After everyone has signed the document it will then be synced back with Contract Hound. Note that a sync happens every hour, so it will take up to an hour for the fully executed document to appear in Contract Hound.